Eurythmy for Asia - Liebe zur Erde... - Liebe zur Erde

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Eurythmy for Asia

Published by Beatrix Hachtel in Eurythmy · 14/6/2013 14:43:14

A new project: Eurythmy for Asia!

Here we go again: Asia is calling, this time for traveling and a second purpose:

During the summer we will spend our vacation in China. After a visit to the Phoenix farm in Beijing and the local Waldorf school heads south: To
Hong Kong, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore to Indonesia and possibly even further.

Pictures of Phoenix Farm - a real Demeter organic operating farm in the mountains west of Beijing - here is still plowed with man power, because it is better for the earth ...

Up to now I was either professionally or privately on the way, traveling mostly alone. This time there is additional another intention:

In Southeast Asia, there is hardly anthroposophical initiatives - and even fewer colleagues who sometimes just can do something with the eurythmy and eurythmy therapy. So it happened already occasionally that the one or other did ask me to come along. When I'm already off the road - so my thought this time - then I can pass the places where there might be an interest in the thing. The first contacts are linked, and I'm curious what will emerge from it at the end.

To this purpose, this new website was designed to deal specifically with the eurythmy and eurythmy for this Asian project: many images for eurythmy and eurythmy and descriptions that are closer to the Asian way of speaking:

And at Facebook there is a separate page which should help to establish the connection to the people in the countries and maintain the contact:

Inasmuch the weeks are now dominated by intense travel arrangements. Here on this blog everything is updated, which is associated with the trip, the countries, landscapes and people. The eurythmy events in Asia can be traced on the blog on the website mentioned above. There is also a guest book (hopefully that works...).

I look forward to travel together with you, the reader which will accompany me on this journey!

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